A priority of this COST Action is to identify research priorities and to facilitate and coordinate research so that Species Action Plans can be created for declining migrant species that lack them.
WG 1
Involving relevant stakeholders from economics, social sciences, and education
Inclusive Approach to Research: The COST Action aims to integrate economists, educational researchers, sociologists, and psychologists into migrant bird research. Their inclusion is crucial to ensure that Species Action Plans are both fitting and feasible within diverse communities responsible for implementation.
Gap Analysis: WG1's primary task involves conducting a gap analysis to pinpoint key stakeholders capable of innovatively contributing to the overarching goal of conserving migrant birds within human landscapes.
Engagement and Partnership Expansion: WG1 aims to identify and engage significant partners at national and continent-wide levels to ensure comprehensive coverage along the flyway. These partners, once identified, will participate in specialist committees drafting Species Action Plans and will contribute to meetings and training schools, fostering a more interdisciplinary and diverse research network.
Communication Best Practices: Partners will be responsible for establishing and applying effective communication strategies for research outcomes. This could involve recommendations for educational curricula across Europe and Africa, as well as innovative social media campaigns utilizing real-time bird tracking, among other approaches.
WG 2
Capacity building and training to equalize the network
Equalizing Research: The primary goal of the COST Action is to ensure parity in migrant bird research across its network and beyond.
WG2 Responsibilities: Working Group 2 (WG2) is tasked with identifying and connecting early career researchers from peripheral countries with established research groups in core countries.
Utilizing Virtual Tools: Leveraging the advantages of COVID-era technology like video conferencing and webinars, early career researchers from sub-Saharan Africa have engaged with the wider research community. This virtual engagement will continue to involve peripheral countries along the Europe-African migratory flyway.
Mentorship and Training: WG2 will recruit mentors and mentees, using Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM) and online training to link researchers from peripheral countries, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, with core country research groups.
Annual Training School: An annual training program for Early Career Researchers will cover various topics including data integration, remote sensing, citizen science, tagging and analysis techniques, and data visualization, all condensed into 1-2 day sessions.
Promoting Integration: The ultimate aim is to facilitate integration between established and early career researchers to diversify and level the playing field across the Europe-African migratory flyway.
WG 3
Research priorities and Species Action Plans
Identification of Key Players: WG3 will utilize the work of the other two Working Groups (WGs) to pinpoint essential contributors for developing Species Action Plans, as directed by the Management Group.
Pairing Experienced Researchers: An important responsibility of WG3 involves pairing researchers proficient in crafting Species Action Plans with those actively working on the targeted species. This collaboration aims to leverage expertise and devise optimal strategies for the action plans.
Conducting Gap Analyses: WG3 will undertake a gap analysis to evaluate and determine specific areas where research efforts should be concentrated. This analysis will aid in devising guidelines for a comprehensive, integrated approach.
Publication and Presentation: The outcomes of these analyses and efforts will be published and presented at annual general meetings. This dissemination aims to inspire and steer future research endeavors in these identified priority areas.
Specialist Committee Formation: WG3 will assemble a specialist committee dedicated to drafting each action plan, ensuring a focused and comprehensive approach to the planning process.