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Unlocking Opportunities: A Reminder about EUFLYNET's STSM Program

As we continue to navigate the vast and intricate world of migratory bird conservation, the need for innovative research and collaboration becomes increasingly clear. It's with this spirit of discovery and partnership that EUFLYNET invites you to participate in our Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). This unique program is designed to foster exchange, bolster research efforts, and strengthen our network of conservationists, researchers, and enthusiasts.

STSMs offer a fantastic opportunity to gain new skills, share knowledge, and collaborate on pivotal projects. But the deadline is coming fast: send us your application by the 31st of March 2024!

What is the aim:

  • Collaboration: Work alongside leading experts and institutions across Europe and Africa.

  • Innovation: Access cutting-edge methodologies and technologies.

  • Impact: Contribute to significant advancements in migratory bird conservation.

We believe that by working together, we can uncover new insights and develop effective conservation strategies that will ensure the safety and health of migratory bird populations for generations to come.

How to Apply:

Visit our website for detailed information on eligibility, application processes, and deadlines. Don't miss this chance to expand your research horizons and make a tangible impact in the field of bird conservation.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take that step with an STSM and join us in shaping the future of migratory bird conservation.

For more details, visit STSMs | EUFLYNET

Together, let's fly higher in our quest to protect our feathered friends.

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